Township of Washington
General Info
Emergency Services
DPW Info

Town Recreation
Fee Schedule- Soon to come
Registration Schedule- Soon to come
Click on the link below to open a page with the Recreation Registration form on it. Once you get to that page simply press the print button from your browser.
You can also choose to download the PDF format of the file. Just click on the link below that says PDF Format and it will open Adobe Acrobat reader. You can print the form from there.
If you don’t have Adobe Acrobat reader, you can get it here.
Note: Download the form and print one copy of the form for each child and for each sporting activity. Original parental signature must be on each form. You may register by mail completed and signed form with check to: Township Recreation Department, 350 Hudson Avenue, Twp of Washington, NJ 07676. Or register in person and bringing the completed form and check to the registration during the hours posted. Recreation Department can be reached during business hours at 201-666-3312.
Downloadable Registration Card
Downloadable Registration Card (PDF Format)